
Stevie Whitehead

Stevie Whitehead currently teaches K-6 General Music in Wilton, Iowa. She has a Bachelor’s of Music Education from Simpson College (‘10) and a Master’s of Education in Teacher Leadership from Walden University (‘19). She has completed Kodaly Level 1 and is looking forward to adding levels 2 and 3 as well as Orff Level 1, 2, and 3 in the near future.  

Mrs. Whitehead served in her current position for a year before living in Louisiana for three years. Upon her return, Mrs. Whitehead has strived to build a comprehensive music program including ukulele, recorder, First Steps in Music and Conversational Solfege, and creative movement in addition to Kodaly and Orff methodologies. Her students are active in area honor choirs and OPUS auditions. She serves on a Social-Emotional professional learning team and has previously served on the building leadership team.